
Cmdcenter has built in tools to manage application environments.

Each application environment lives inside a docker container.

Docker containers run inside an "appserver", check appserver documentation to learn more about it

Application environment configs

An app environement config lives in apps folder, under your organisation's data folder.

For example, if your organisation is called myorg, application environments live under $CMDCENTER_DATAHOME/myorg/apps/

Basic app environment template

Here is a minimal example of app config:

└── wiiiip_review
    ├── files
    │   └── remote
    │       ├── docker
    │       │   ├── Dockerfile
    │       │   └──
    │       └── host
    │           ├── git_deploy_key
    │           └──
    ├── mongo.json
    ├── mysql.json
    ├── project.json
    └── README

1/ Create new application environment

So how do you allocate new app env ?

There is a command for that: create app nodejs \
 --name myapp_staging \
 --domain staging.domain.tld \
 --git \
 --env staging \
 --wwwdir "" \
 --org myorg

2/ Allow read only GIT access

At the end of the output rom the command above, you will see something like this:

Please add this read only deploy key to your git repository


app created successfuly

This is your deploy key, In the middle. You have to copy paste it into your repository settings.

add deploy key bitbucket

3/ Add mysql database (optional)

I assume that you have at least one instance of mysql5server in your organisation, and that this server physicaly runs on same private network as your appserver instances.

Following guide assumes that:

You must replace all this values by your own

To allocate new database for your application, you simply need to create mysql.json in your project's root directory:

    "databases": [
            "accounts": [
                    "username": "u8643356897", 
                    "scope": "*", 
                    "password": "ch@ngeThi5p4ssw0rd", 
                    "ip": "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd"
                    "username": "u3124555432", 
                    "scope": "*", 
                    "password": "ch@ngeThi5p4ssw0rd", 
                    "ip": "zzz.eee.rrr.ttt"
            "name": "myapp_staging"
    "server": "mysql5server"

Now you need to apply this changes on your mysql5server instance by running the following command: setup server mysql5server --step deploy --org myorg

Now you can connect to your mysql instance from your application using following credentials:

4/ Add mongodb database (optional)

I assume that you have at least one instance of mongo3server in your organisation, and that this server physicaly runs on same private network as your appserver instances.

Following guide assumes that:

You must replace all this values by your own

To allocate new database for your application, you simply need to create mongo.json in your project's root directory:

    "databases": [
            "accounts": [
                    "username": "u8643356897",
                    "password": "ch@ngeThi5p4ssw0rd"
                    "username": "u3124555432", 
                    "password": "ch@ngeThi5p4ssw0rd"
            "name": "myapp_staging"
    "server": "mongo3server"

Now you need to apply this changes on your mongo3server instance by running the following command: setup server mongo3server --step deploy --org myorg

Now you can connect to your mongodb instance from your application using following credentials:

5/ Deploy your app

To deploy your app simply run the following command:

You must replace all this values by your own deploy app myapp_staging --org myorg

6/ DNS

Last step is to redirect your application's domain to the IP addresse(s) of your appserver instance(s).