
Organisations is an important concept in cmdcenter.

It helps you separate ownership and control access to infrastructures you manage.

What is an organisation ?

Organisation concept maps one to one with the person or team responsible of managing deployments/backups and hosting inside an organisation.

Usualy we call this people system engineers/sysadmins/build engineers, ... and in some organisations developpers are also directly responsible of operations (devops).

CmdCenter is aimed and designed exactly for this people.


An organisation is 100% independent.

It has its own server instances, members, apps and private network

Organisation example

Organisation folder structure

All data and configurations are stored inside dedicated organisation folder under $CMDCENTER_DATAHOME directory

├── apps                                           // applications
│   ├── myapp1_staging                             // example app #1
│   │   ├── files
│   │   │   └── remote                             // all this files will be copied to remote appserver hosts
│   │   │       ├── docker                         // Can contain files to include inside Docker. src folder contains sources from git repository
│   │   │       │   ├── Dockerfile                 // Dockerfile to create docker image
│   │   │       └── host
│   │   │           ├── git_deploy_key             // deploy key (private)
│   │   │           └──         // deploy key (public), include this in your private git repository settings
│   │   ├── mongo.json                             // this app uses a mongodb server inside this organisation
│   │   ├── mysql.json                             // this app uses a mysql server inside this organisation
│   │   └── project.json                           // application basic config
│   └── testapp                                    // example app #2
│       ├── files
│       │   └── remote
│       │       ├── docker
│       │       │   └── Dockerfile
│       │       └── host
│       │           ├── git_deploy_key
│       │           └──
│       ├── mongo.json
│       ├── mysql.json
│       └── project.json
├── backups                                        // global backup folder
│   └── mongo                                      // mongodb backups
│       ├── 20151115_043933
│       │   └── admin
│       │       ├── system.indexes.bson
│       │       ├── system.users.bson
│       │       ├── system.users.metadata.json
│       │       ├── system.version.bson
│       │       └── system.version.metadata.json
│       └── 20151115_043933.tar.gz
├── servers                                        // servers folder
│   ├── appserver                                  // appserver config
│   │   ├── access.ini
│   │   ├── files
│   │   │   └── remote
│   │   │       └── nginx
│   │   └── instances.json
│   ├── mongo3server                               // mongo3server config
│   │   ├── access.ini
│   │   └── instances.json
│   └── mysql5server                               // mysql5server config
│       ├── access.ini
│       └── instances.json
└── sshkeys                                        // ssh keys
    ├── main_ssh_id

Private network

All server instances inside an organisation are designed to run inside exactly one private network.